Friday 25 February 2011

sayangi bumi kita:D

salam 1 malaysia:)

first skaly,maaf kepada sesiapa yg akan terasa dengan ape yg org nak ckpkan nyh.

benda nyh berlaku smlm. tyme org tgah lepak lepak depan kedai,ttbe nampak lah sorg pompuan nyh,ade anak 1. kenal sbnanye,tp name tayah sebut lahh yeeee...

okay,mcm nyh. dye bwk keluar paper ape entah dr bag dye n ttbe terus campak kat jalan. okay,sy tahu,ini bukan perkara besar bg anda,tp habit tuh sgt teruk and sangat lah sy benci.

sampak nyh,tak kire lah kecik ke besar ke,busuk ke tak ke,tetap SAMPAH. kasi bold cket. tetap SAMPAH yee kawan kawan...

asal nak buang merata rata??? kalau kau makan sweets ke,chocolate kee,tayah la buang kat jalan . kalau beli kat kedai kan ade plastik,buang lah dlu dlm plastik. ape susah sangat nye.

nak kne ajar step agaknyee.

dah bukak sweets tuh,plastik tu letak la dlm poket dlu (kalau tade tong sampah laa)

ble dah jalan2,nmpak tong sampah,kuarkan dr poket n buang dlm tong sampah.

haaa,senang kan. tayah pecah otak ponn. bukan mcm addmath. nak nak kalau pompuan buat mcm tuh. BURUK SANGAT WEYH!!! tade sivik ke,tak penah blaja ehh. kesiannn. tape tape,sy boleh ajarkan. dengan rela hati!

kesian bumi kita,dah cantik,manusia ni tade adab pergi buang buang sampah. sesuka hati kauu jea. ingat milik kau ke bumi nyh. ble sakit,kau merungut. tulah,sp suh tak jage kebersihan. cuba kalau tade org yg buang sampah merata,kan bersih jea. NO POLLUTION NO WAR lahh bbe.

Allah dah bagi,appreciate lahh. tu tanda kte bersyukur. alhamdulillah.

ingat,jangan buang sampah merata. sorry kalau ade yg terasa,tp org ckp untuk kebaikan kte semua. sy tahu,kte manusia,ade buat kesilapan. korg semua tanak sakit kan?? tanak kotor kotor kan? n tanak jugak org yg kte syg sakit kann?? so pasni jangan buat dah kay?? ma kasihhhhh:) LOVElove..

Thursday 24 February 2011

karo @ cikaro

hye,hello, n yg penting assalamualaikum:)

today nak ckp cket lah psl word yg dicipta oleh sang kumbang buat sang bunga bunga. "karo@cikaro". org tao,ramai yg faham ape mksud word nyh. meh kte start bercerita ehh. pada suatu hari,duduklah sy berdekatan dengan sekumpulan lelaki nyh. dorg punye lah rancak borak smpi tak pk yg org lain pon dga ape dorg ckp nyh. ade mamat A ckp, " karo smlm sdp douh. baik punya!" anda fhm maksudnya??? tak fhm? try lah sedaya mungkin untuk fhm yee:P in coincidence,ade sorg laki dlm gang tuh sy kenal. so esoknye tuh,sy ckp lah kat kwn sy tuh. " asal korg pggil pompuan cmtuh karo?". n dye ckp sbb pompuan cmtuh dah rosak,sng dpt. org pon naik hangin lahh kan. mmg lah pompuan tuh dah rosak. ape hak kau nak pggil dye cmtuh. dye ade name. dah tau pompuan tuh dah rosak,asal rosakkan lagi. tak kesah lah dah kne pakai ke ape ke. yg kau org dok try try dye tuh asal tak pggl diri sndiri 'karo'? coz korg pon sng dpt gak kan. mane mane pompuan leyh pgg. org mmg anti betol lah laki yg tak respect langsong pompuan nyh. kadang2 dorg clap langkah. dah terbuat kan,so maybe rase nak lagi. but im sure,ade cket dlm hati dorg rase regret coz doing it. dorg pon ade rase malu. 


for all the guys out there,please have some respect for women. they made a mistake and maybe sometimes its hard for them to turn back. so dun walk around calling them karo okay? understood?? good boy:) daaa! nyte guys:)

Wednesday 23 February 2011

i miss you:'(

heyyy,org tade mood arinyh. cam blank..... errrr,,, first coz pening pk cmane nak jumpe mr kobis next week memandangkan dye ade final exam. nty kalau pegi kang,cam kacau pulak..dye pon mcm tanak jumpe jea (haha,syg jangan mara). hah,sedihyeee..  mmg pass few days emo cket. mr kobis ckp cket pon dah terase. mybe dah lame tak jumpe,so miss sangat. kdg2 ble abes pray,rase nak cry. haha,lawak gilaaa cry mende cmnyh. but this is the truth. baby mmg miss abg sangat. so kalau baby cm sensitif cket,jgn mara bby:(  sorry.. 

Friends Glitter Graphics -

second,org rindu best buddies org:(
in case you are reading this post,i miss you guys so much! 

izzah : u are my forever bestbuddy. i care about you,a lot. since frenship kte dah tak mcm dlu,i just want you to know that things aren't the same without you. i wish i can call or text you on telling you that i miss you,but i just can't. sorry for everything.

fatin!!!! rindu gilak kat awk. haha,rindu mulot awk yg kecoh kecoh sangat tuh. yg tak abes abes nak kenakan sy. hehe,muah muahhh<3

jihah.lea.aida,wawa,izzaty,cfah : aku tak lpe korang okay. take care tao! syg korg!!:(

heyyy y'all! haha,dah 2 hari tak update blog neyh. busy cket lahh. keje pon abes late kan. so faham2 jelah org bekerjaya nyh mcm mane. lalala~ today,fyka nak share smthin psl study. yesterday,fyka dah apply UPU,yelahh nak masok U kan,kang tak apply kang jadik penganggur pulak hahah:P mase apply tuh rase nervous+takot gilak. takot salah pilih course. nak tao course ape fyka apply? (tanak tao pon fyka nak tulis gak. huhu) 

 1. UIAM- asasi pergigian. 
2. UIAM- asasi perubatan. 
3. USIM- tamhidi pergigian.
 4. UIAM- asasi farmasi. 
5. USIM- tamhidi perubatan. 
6. UITM- diploma mikrobiologi. 
7. UITM- diploma pengurusan hartanah. 
8. UITM- asasi sains. 

 kne letak 8 choices. so ni yg fyka choose. hope melekat lah mane mane. pray for me tau!!

Monday 21 February 2011

LOVE secrets:)

When you break her heart- 
[ the pain NEVER really goes away ]

When she misses you - 
[ she's hurting inside ]

When she says its over - 
[ she STILL want you to be hers ]

When she walks away from you mad - 
[ Follow her]

When she pushes you or hits you - 
[ Grab her and don’t let go ]

When she ignores you - 
[ Give her your attention]

When she pulls away - 
[ Pull her back ]

When you see her at her worst - 
[ Tell her she's beautiful ]

When you see her starts crying - 
[Just hold her and don’t say a word ]

When you see her walking - 
[ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]

When she's scared - 
[ Protect her ]

When she steals your favorite hoodie - 
[ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]

When she teases you - 
[ Tease her back and make her laugh]

When she doesn’t answer for a long time - 
[ reassure her that everything is okay ]

When she looks at you with doubt -
[ Back yourself up with the TRUTH]

When she says that she likes you - 
[ she really does more than you could undrstnd ]

When she grabs your hands - 
[ Hold her's and play with her fingers ]

When she bumps into you - 
[ bump into her back and make her laugh]

When she tells you a secret - 
[ keep it safe and untold ]

When she looks at you in your eyes - 
[ don’t look away until she does ]

When she's cold - 
[ hold her till shes warm ]

- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
-DON'T let her have the last word
-DON'T call her hot, But Gorgeous or beautiful is soo much better
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go

- When she says she's ok don’t believe it, talk with her
- becau​se 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
-Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"
If you do post this in the next four minutes the one your love will:

Call you
Kiss you
Love you
Text you

Sunday 20 February 2011


morning! this is caca,my lil sys:) ever since she was born, my family and i never stop loving her. even before,i was very excited waiting for her birth. and the first moment i saw her,i already love her. she was like the most beautiful baby ever! i held her in my arms n i kiss her forehead non-stop! hehe,then i whispered something to her ears, " im going to love u every second of ur life. im your KAKAK!" hehe.  now she's already a year n 9 months. you know what?? the first word she learned to say is "KAKAK", haha!  bangga meyh... see,even a 'kakak' can love a baby like this. 

nyh issue nye sekarang. asal ha ade gak mak mak yg tak berhati perut,main campak jea anak kat tengah jalan. ade tuh yg sumbat jea dlm mangkuk tandas,tak kurang plak yg letak dlm tong sampah. yg tanam hidup hudup pon ade. masyaAllah. apelah nak jadik. mmg slalu sgt ble bukak paper mesti ade news mcm nyh. sangat menyedihkan lahh:'( baby nyh perlukan perlindungan. bayangkan lah,nak bercakap pon dorang tak pandai. dorang tak berdaya pon nak lawan ble tgah ditanam or ditinggalkan di tepi jalan. ble lapar,baby just boleh menangis. mana perginya ibu yg sharusnya melindungi n menyayangi?? tidakkah mereka berasa berdosa  meragut nyawa anak kandung mereka sendiri? kite semua tahu,org yg melakukan perkara seperti ini berada dlm kebuntuan. tp percayalah,Allah akn membantu jika anda betol betol meminta pertolongan drNya. ramai yg akan bantu. masyarakat pon semakin prihatin dengan masalah ini.janganlah wt bende2 mcm nyh.

 astagfirullah. mintak dijauhkan lah perkara seperti ini. fyka pon manusia,Allah je tao ape yg akn jadi pd fyka nanti. pada kawan2 yg membaca blog nyh,ambillah iktibar, jangan buat perkara yg akn wat anda menyesal di kemudian hari. sayangilah sesama manusia. semua wanita akn menjadi ibu in the future,jagelah amanah yg Allah beri tuh sbaik mungkin..pada sang kumbang,dah wat tuh,bertanggungjawablah. jangan nak lepas tangan. so,same samelah kite mengambil iktibar yeee... sekian saje dr fyka pagi nyh. before that,enjoy the video below..SAYA PRIHATIN,ANDA BAGAIMANA? take care yaw! daaa


february fool:P

hey hey:D how are you guys today? im good,n getting fat! urghh,donnoe what to do lahh. i just eat eat and eat. (HAHA) .well,today i went shopping with my family at Terus Maju to buy some groceries. haha.terus maju aite. what a weird name:P then nampak ice-cream! ahhh,i wanted them so badly so pegi lahh kedai tuh. then tyme nak beli ttbe ayah hon kete,dye ckp nak cepat. huuu,sob sob. baru nak mam askrim vanilla(its my favourite:D) dengan hati yg dah terpilu dan tersedih nih,tpakse lahh batalkan niat. masuk kete je dah buat muke muncung. muncung tu tak bleh blah lah kann. itik pon kalah. HAHA. then gi kedai ktorang. telco&post yeeee. promote jup. HAHA. pastu mase midnite mr kobis call. dye ckp nak slow down kan ktorang punye relationship n taknak contact dlm a few months. (mmg cday tahap max lahh kan. da lahh bru amek air smayang,baru nak beribadat dah kne musibah) haihhh. trus hang up fon n g pray terus. pastu ringtone biarkan aku jatuh cinta by st12 ashik ring.. ring... sign yg mr kobis call lah. da wat org cday mulelah nak call call. pastu dye IM kat fb suh angkat fon coz tyme tuh org dah marah kan. so dye call pon tak angkat. pastu si mr kobis trus call agy. kesiann plak. angkat la jugak. then dye ckp " happy anniversary syg!!! abg joking jea lahh td,baby lupe ehh date arinyh date ape??" errr... haha.. kne february fool lahh ish ish! dush dush acap! jahat gilak kenakan org. ade ubi ade batas,ade hari sy balas! huhu (betol ke pepatah nyh?hentamm jea:P) okay,ktorg mmg every 21st for every month ktorg akan wish coz ktorg cple pon 21st october 2007. so its kinda like monthly anniversary lahh. for mr.kobis,thanx a lot coz ingat date kte. n sory sangat coz baby lupe. tak sengaje. seriousss! hehe,okay lah guys.. that's it for today. jom tdow! huhu,nanyte everyone:)

Saturday 19 February 2011

hello:) today is the first day im writing in this blog. quite excited actually:D huhu. lame jugak nak create blog neyh. bape jam ntah. but ble da ciap,puas aty gilak! haha:D okay,first time wat blog mestilah nak introduce diri kan. im nur shafeeqa farhaana, most people call me iqa,sf,fify,fana n etc lahh. i'll be 8teen on july 1st n currently stayin in kuantan pahang. sekarang tgah tggu result spm,so drpd membuang mase tdow je kat umah,fyka keje dlu nan ayah. penat gak. from 10am-10 pm. hebat tak? HAHA.keje jadik PA jea,n sales gal. best jugak,mcm2 customer fyka jumpe. ade yg suke sangat nak tengok brg yg kte jual,pastu komen macam2. tanak beli sudah la,tayah la buang mase org kann. (lepas geram jp,lalala~) kay,fyka ade 5 siblings. im the 2nd. ade abg,2 years older than me,named Aamir Ashraf . fyka ade 2 lil sys n 1 lil bro. Nur Damia Qistina,Ameer Haiqal, n Nur Qaseh Aisya. i love HAZELNUT WHITE COFFEE!!! sangat tersangat,mmg suke lah. huhu. kalau food,mcm2.. hurm,coz i love to eat. so manyak sangat lahh fab food. mm,mihun tomyam,kuew teow hong kong,nasi goreng daging merah (ni mr.kobis yg ajar makan:P) n yg paling suke is cheesy carbonara. kat pizza hut ade. try la! memang best!! i love to wear RED outfits. feel sexier. HAHA,joking. i have a boyfie. name dye MUHAMMAD ASHRAF bin.muhammad aris, i call him MR. KOBIS. haha,dun ask me why. mmg ttbe je ade nickname tuh. huhu. fyka dah cple nan dye for about 3 years n 4 months. he's really special. susah nak describe how's my feelin for him... fyka syg dye sangat coz dye betol2 buat fyka sure yg dye syg fyka. mmg the BEST lahh! huhu. kay lahh,da late sgt dahh. nak tdow,nantok sudaa... nyte nyte everyone!